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Anton Bilchik Discusses the Link between Diet and Colon Cancer

Anton Bilchik wants you to know about the links between your diet and your risk for developing cancer of the colon or rectum, known collectively as colorectal cancer.

The American Cancer Society agrees with Dr. Bilchik – a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in red and processed meats is associated with a lowered risk for getting colon cancer. Current studies do suggest a link between colon cancer and red and processed meat. Other studies show fiber in the diet, especially from whole grain sources, reduces this risk. Scientists are not yet certain why these factors are important, but will continue researching the link between diet and colon cancer. Drinking alcohol in excess may also increase your risk.

Poor diet may lead to obesity, which is another independent risk factor for colorectal cancer. Most studies suggest being overweight or obese increases the risk for colorectal cancer in both genders, but the link is stronger in men than in women. Excess belly fat increases the risk even further.


Some studies seem to suggest certain vitamins or minerals decrease your risk for colorectal cancer, but scientists need to continue their research before Anton Bilchik MD and other doctors recommend supplements. Calcium, vitamin D, and folic acid have all been subjects of discussion between cancer experts like Dr. Bilchik and leading colorectal cancer specialists.

Anton Bilchik works tirelessly to lower your risk for developing colorectal cancer and other types of cancers. Contact Dr. Bilchik today to learn more.

August 13, 2013