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In the News
4Jun 17'

Los Angeles March for Science

Dr Anton Bilchik and the March for Science

Scientists from around the country participated in a global-wide March for Science on Earth Day, April 22, 2017. The demonstration was a way to express the growing concern over various alarming issues that include: budget cuts, censorship of researchers, disappearing data sets, and threats to dismantle government agencies. Dr. Anton Bilchik, M.D. of the John Wayne Cancer Center in Santa Monica, vehemently agrees with the concerns stating,

“My understanding is that there is a purposed 20% cut in funding for NIH (National Institute of Health) research.  The consequences of that are massive. There will be fewer research studies and fewer clinical trials.  It will slow the process of developing new treatments and new detection methods and surgical quality measures.”

“The impact is on cancer centers, universities, training of new doctors and specialists and the long term inevitability of people not wanting to go into research because there will be no reasonable expectation of funding.”

“One of the most exciting areas in cancer therapy is immunotherapy, over the past 5 years there has been enormous progress changing how we treat cancer – breakthroughs made possible by research supported by NIH.”

To read additional thoughts from Dr. Anton Bilchik and other local Los Angeles scientists and doctors, please visit: